Nest box clean up

In September 2006 we bought a Wiggly Wigglers’ Sparrow Parade. We put it up around this time last year and, in spring this year, we were pleased to see that a pair of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) had taken up residence.

The blue tits successfully produced a brood of chicks but we don’t know how many as they left the nest while we were on holiday.

Anyway, as the weather is getting colder we thought it would be a good time to clean out the nest boxes. There are three boxes in the Sparrow Parade and I was surprised to find a nest in all of them!

The most extensive nest was in the box that had housed the blue tits (the right most box when facing the house). In the middle box there was another nest and this contained two blue tit eggs. I’m not sure what happened to the parents but they’d obviously deserted the nest some months ago. The left most box also contained the beginnings of a nest but no eggs.

We cleaned out the boxes and, after the success of this year, we’re looking forward to next spring now.