Late green manuring… again

We had some good weather this weekend so I took the opportunity to put another coat of paint on the back of the house and also tidy up the veg plot a bit.

I dug up the shrivelled remains of the beans, tomatoes and sweetcorn… all have been a disaster this year. I’m not sure if it was just the weather (a bit cold and very wet) but we’ve had very little out of the veg plots this year.

Once again I’m a bit late sowing the green manure but hopefully we’ll get enough reasonable weather that it will do OK.

I also moved the tree fern back into the greenhouse as I don’t thin it will be long before we get our first frost.

There’s still plenty of insect life in the garden as I saw several Large white butterflies (Pieris brassicae), a Speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria) and a Common darter dragonfly (Sympetrum striolatum) in the garden this weekend. There were also plenty of bees and hoverflies still visiting the meadow.